November 19, 2014

  • A year has past and the same problem continues...

    I can't believe another year has past...
    I can't believe the same problem STILL continues to haunt me...

    I sometimes wonder... will I live to see a real, full-blown change that I've been hoping since around 11 years ago?...

    How long will I wait? How long SHOULD I wait?

    Might these blows be hints from above telling me it's time to move on?

    x x x

    I often secretly laugh a sarcastic laugh when I hear people say that it is a weak thing for someone to give up...

    I laugh because I think those people have not gone through what I am going through...

    Giving up in a situation like mine is something that only a person with great strength (both physically and mentally) will be able to accomplish.

    I don't have such strength... at least not yet.