September 1, 2012

  • Choices & Non-Choices & Random Thoughts...

    Making choices is what people do all the time

    and yet there are also times when there are non-choices, times when it's not up to people to choose, stuff just happen...

    Recently, a non-choice happened and a friend is forever gone from the living world...

    Sadness lurks into the minds of every one of his friends...

    Rest in peace, my friend...


    I was quite surprised to see that so many friends "left him messages" on his FB...

    At first I felt like why would people be doing that since he is no longer here...

    But then it quickly dawned on me...

    These messages probably served quite a few purposes:

    (1) As the friend is gone, people are left with many questions and thoughts... and the magnitude of all that left people with the yearning for a place to place their questions and thoughts... and a place to share with others who cared their words of remembrance...

    (2) While the friend would no longer see the messages, his family members and friends will.... it's like... his FB has become a healing place... people share, read, cry, sob, and, hopefully, let go......

    (3) While some may argue that when one leaves this world, one leaves for good... others may argue that the soul or spirit may still come back into this world to visit... perhaps, if the latter is true, the friend may actually get to "see" all those messages......

    All's too profound.

    Choices may be daunting from time to time, but at least one gets to choose.

    Non-choices, on the other hand, are what leave certain parts of our lives gray and mysterious.

    What happened?! Why?! Why?! Why?!

    No answers will ever come about, probably.


    When such non-choices happen, I am reminded of the appreciation I should be giving whenever I get to choose.

    Rest in peace, my friend. You will always be in your family's and friend's minds.

    You are and will continue to be missed.