Month: December 2012

  • 我也想要過愜意的生活~


    超 級 羨 慕





    雖然說我現在是大難當頭 有大考試壓身


    週末趕唸唸不完的文章和書 (到頭來還是唸不完)

    放假還是有一堆作業要寫 隨便參加個小活動就號稱放了假了

    i mean... how has my life come to this?



    唸個60分就好 幹嘛要唸到讓自己每次都得高分

    但是啊 親愛的



    同時 我也不知道要怎麼樣唸才能剛好低空飛過

    換句話說 我不知道低空飛過的門檻在哪裡 看不見 摸不著

    所以 我只能埋頭猛唸 而我心裡想的就只是 "拜託讓我過 讓我過 讓我過~!!"


    別再挖苦我了 plz

    沒人挖苦我 我自己已經超難過的了...


    really need some time to re-adjust and maybe even re-route my life



    我也想要過愜意的生活~~~ ( ╯-╰ )/


  • Fallen & More

    I hate this feeling...

    It's like I've fallen into a well and don't know how to get out... asked for help, and the person whom I thought was going to help threw stones down on me.

    Yea, go ahead and tell me that I should do what the donkey in a fable has done: step onto the stones/sand and get up and get out.

    Yea right. These stones are so small that it'll take years for several people to throw more of them down to get me out of here. But right now I only got about two weeks before I come face to face with the beast of the well.

    I feel really bad. : ((( and alone... : ' (

  • Pull Pull

    What do you do when you feel that you are in the middle of a tug-of-war and you are the thing that's being tugged on?

    At times you feel that one side is stronger than the other side and so you move towards that side; yet minutes later (in human years, that's like several months later), you hear a calling from the other side and the tug from that side becomes again stronger.

    You want to have all this tugging to stop so you can say, "Hey, you won. I'm here."

    But the tugging continues...


    What if it never stops?

    Which way should you go?

    Does one really need a reason to go a certain way?


  • Racing Mind, Racing on Multiple Tracks

    My mind races everywhere when I think.

    What I mean by that is that my mind doesn't really stick to just one thing when I think.

    It doesn't go slowly on one path.

    Instead, it races and it runs on multiple tracks.

    For instance, when my mind is activated by an image or a thought about a new invention, such as a bridge made of bouncy materials, it doesn't just go "oh wow" and end there with a smile.

    What it does is something quite complex, like this:

    Eye sees an image of a bridge made of bouncy materials  >>> Mind goes "oh wow" >>> Mind wonders: "is this real?" "where can i find it?" "how nice would it be if it's implemented in my hometown?" "whose design was this?" "should i save this link to my online bookmarks?" "should i tell people about this?" "i wonder what other innovative designs there are" "hey maybe i should post this somewhere"....... (and all these thoughts all came so fast that they all seem to have appeared together at once)

    Depending on the time I have, the thoughts can grow exponentially until I have to use full force to pull myself back into reality, the reality of my having other "more important" things to do... like studying and working. Alas.

    I wonder if this is something that happens to just some people or does this happen to everyone?


    Image of the bouncy bridge: [ ]