December 8, 2012

  • Racing Mind, Racing on Multiple Tracks

    My mind races everywhere when I think.

    What I mean by that is that my mind doesn't really stick to just one thing when I think.

    It doesn't go slowly on one path.

    Instead, it races and it runs on multiple tracks.

    For instance, when my mind is activated by an image or a thought about a new invention, such as a bridge made of bouncy materials, it doesn't just go "oh wow" and end there with a smile.

    What it does is something quite complex, like this:

    Eye sees an image of a bridge made of bouncy materials  >>> Mind goes "oh wow" >>> Mind wonders: "is this real?" "where can i find it?" "how nice would it be if it's implemented in my hometown?" "whose design was this?" "should i save this link to my online bookmarks?" "should i tell people about this?" "i wonder what other innovative designs there are" "hey maybe i should post this somewhere"....... (and all these thoughts all came so fast that they all seem to have appeared together at once)

    Depending on the time I have, the thoughts can grow exponentially until I have to use full force to pull myself back into reality, the reality of my having other "more important" things to do... like studying and working. Alas.

    I wonder if this is something that happens to just some people or does this happen to everyone?


    Image of the bouncy bridge: [ ]